Sunday, August 24, 2014

A New Love: April 2014 --Present

               About 4 months ago, I was called in to meet with a member of the Stake Presidency. I had a feeling that I might be getting a particular calling and I was right. A couple of weeks later I was called as an Institute teacher for the YSA 16th Stake.

Six weeks prior to receiving this calling, I had started attending the Family History class at Institute. I decided to put away all of the old excuses I made for not doing this work, and see what I could do. I enjoyed going to a class at institute where I could get to the application in class and not just talk about stuff. I didn’t find any ancestors who needed ordinances during this time, but I felt a spark in my heart that began to grow.

I was hesitant to suggest that I teach the family history class because I truly knew so little about how to actually do the work. But my desire to learn and do the work was there. I knew the best way to learn would be to teach, so I secretly hoped that I would be assigned to this class.

After the assignment came, I knew I needed help right away. I found the number of the stake family history co-chair, Rob Martin, and called him to see how I could best learn family history. He said he could meet with me to get me started. Rob continues to meet with me to answer all my questions and teach me the things I need to know. What a blessing. I am amazed by his knowledge on the subject. I have found that the best way to learn is simply by researching my own family lines. I have already found three people who needed ordinances. 

I discovered the "people" page on the family search website just after I was assigned to teach the family history class with Glade Snyder. Many members of my family have uploaded pictures, stories/memories, and journal entries from my ancestors. As I looked at these pictures and read the stories and journal entries, I felt such a powerful connection to my ancestors and a strong desire to find out more about them and to do their work. I was actually startled by the strong feelings I had towards these, my ancestors.

I often re-visit my "people" in and I have the same feelings every time I look at their pictures and read about their lives. They have become real to me and I feel their support more and more from the other side. They have become a strength to me.

We have a Facebook group for our institute class. I named it “Saved by our Ancestors” because I believe that we are the ones that are really being saved as we make sacrifices to do such a selfless work.

Doing family history work brings a power into my life that I don’t think anything else could replicate. It’s very distinct. I feel the Spirit more when I take time to do it at least weekly. I hope I can continue learning so that I can help others learn how to do the work and feel the power in their lives too.  It is real.

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