Tuesday, September 25, 2012

The 139th Temple

Life really is beautiful. Even in Brigham City, Utah.
It is good to be home again. Although France is gorgeous and wonderful, I rather prefer Utah. Maybe I'm a bit prejudiced because my whole family lives here...but Utah is a great place, especially Brigham City.

Speaking of Brigham City, I went to the temple very early this morning with Dad. We were in the very first session. It is still so surreal to me that we have a temple in Brigham...just less than five minutes away from my parents house! I mean...it's not like there was a shortage of temples around here before then, you could get to Logan or Ogden within 30 minutes drive and at least 4 more temples in a 1.5 hour radius--but still! It is so AWESOME to drive down main street and suddenly see this huge, white, and glorious temple right there in front of me. I'm still not  used to it. Residents of Utah are so very fortunate to have temples dotting their state!

The dedication was very special. I love the symbolism of the cornerstone because it give extra emphasis to Jesus Christ and how he is the cornerstone, the foundation of everything we are and hope to be. He is the head of this Church. It is because of Him that we have a plan of happiness, and a way to return back to our Heavenly Home. The temple is essential to our eternal progression!

I was also fortunate enough to be able to attend the Cultural Celebration for the Temple, the night before it was dedicated. I was so impressed with the youth and so many others who wrote original music, volunteered many hours to sew costumes, etc. The costumes were absolutely fantastic and all of the dances and songs were beautifully done. They did a wonderful job of showing us the foundations of Brigham City, who and what made this lovely city what it is today and how it was prepared for the temple to take it's place here. They mentioned a lot of things that I had never heard and did not know about this town!

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