Tuesday, August 19, 2014

With Plenty of Scope for the Imagination: 21–22 June 2014, Saturday–Sunday

By guest blogger Lena Harper

            Sometimes I think I could spend my life on a ferry, the brusque sea air tangling my wild hair. I have been on a ferry a number of times—in Washington, New Zealand, Chile, and now Nova Scotia—but this ferry ride was one of the most thrilling, mostly because PEI—and Anne's land—lay ahead.
            My aunt’s house is perfect. It is a quaint little white place with green trim and small blue flax growing in the back where we park the minivan. (They were out of economy cars, so we got an upgrade to a brand new minivan with only 500 km on it. So spoiled we are!)
            What I love most about PEI, I've decided, is the countryside. We wandered the back roads this evening, turning here and there as we fancied. The green sprawling meadows paired with the red-dirt farmlands and the dense wooded trees undo me. And then I’ve always had a soft spot for ocean inlets bedecked in sailboats. I also feel transported to a different time here—an older time. The people are so friendly. You say hello to people here; it’s something you just do. You talk to them—really talk to them. The pace of life is slower. The people are fewer. The houses are old and darling, painted bold blue or red or yellow or simply white, draped with shutters, and dressed with bright flowers. A body could live here and be happy, I should think.
            We attended the Montague Branch for church today. There were nine of us in Relief Society. It was tiny, but the Spirit was strong. The members invited us to stay for their linger longer, which featured tuna fish and egg salad sandwiches and Canadian beans, and while we ate they told us about all the places we must go see. Next week we are to return and report on our week. It reminded me of Chile, and spirit of missionary work touched me. I never did serve in a branch that small, but some came close. The gospel of Jesus Christ is such an incredible blessing. How grateful I am to know that Heavenly Father truly cares about me and has provided me a way to be eternally happy—and that I know about it.

 On the ferry with Anne (in my hand).
 The quaint little town of Montague, where we are staying.

 PEI countryside. Me encanta!

Real sorry about the orientation of this photo. This is my Aunt's house, where there is 
plenty of scope for the imagination. 

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