Saturday, August 23, 2014

Canyoneering Adventures! 18 January, 2-3 July 2014

            My co-worker Aaron Snyder is a crazy canyoneering man. He has done over 100 canyons in his lifetime. I caught wind of this hobby of his and asked if I could join him on one of his adventures. He kindly added me to his Canyoneering Facebook group and now I get opportunities to go with him all the time (though I’ve only been able to do 3 canyons so far)!

Leprechaun Canyon:  18 January 2014

              We left at 5:00 am from the Springville Walmart on a cold January morning and headed down to Hanksville Utah. It was about a 3.5 hour drive to get to our canyon. We had just seven in our group—Aaron (our leader) David Menssen, Robb Merrill, Jen and Jaiden Allen(11yrs old) and Anna and me. We had to do some hiking up on top of the canyon to get to the first rappel. And then the fun began!

I was so scared to do this. My arms got super shaky at the end and I just about fell in the water. 

Setting up the rappel. Jaiden was so brave!

Stuffing the rope bag after a rappel. 

           This really was a great canyon. There was a good mixture of rappels and down climbing. We even had to set up a couple of ropes that we used to get across some pools of water. Aaron got more wet than the rest of us because he had to be the first one across to set things up. He’s the man!!

I had such a blast and our group really was a lot of fun. We got home around 9:00 pm—a full day of adventure. 

Checkerboard Canyon: 2 July 2014
             My second canyoneering adventure was much more intense than the first.  We did Checkerboard Canyon and Kolob Canyon. We spent two days and two nights in Zion National Park. Camping sure added to the excitement and we tried to sleep as close to the trailheads for our canyons as we possibly could.

              The Checkerboard Canyon was LONG, but really beautiful. It was about 13 miles total. We woke up at 4 am and left camp at 5 am to start our hike to the first rappel. We saw one of the most gorgeous sunsets I think I have ever seen. It just kept getting better and better. Unfortunately the picture doesn’t show it very well, but it was AMAZING.

Again, Aaron Snyder was our fearless leader. I love this picture of him. He always wears this hat. The others in our group were Daryl Glazier, Denver Erickson, (these two also work in the training department at the MTC) Jen Allen and Josh Cook. A fantastic group!

Both canyons we did had over 12 rappels and lots of water. The checkerboard canyon leads into the narrows at the very end and you have to walk about 3 miles to the end. I was absolutely beat when we finished around 4:30pm. I was wondering how I would survive Kolob canyon the next day.

We decided to take this picture and send it to CliF bars (can you see it now?) to see if they would give us money or something. I don't think we've sent it in yet but I'm sure they'll respond. :)

Kolob Canyon: 3 July 2014

           Kolob canyon has free flowing water….or at least it does when it’s not turned off by the park. The canyon description says that you are literally rappelling down waterfalls. So we were super bummed (Aaron especially) to find that the water was not flowing when we arrived at our first rappel. Even so, there was still a lot of water and we did a good share of swimming. I was grateful for my wet suit. Even without flowing water, we all agreed that this canyon is epic. It is super unique and just plain awesome.

Oh, I almost forgot to mention that when we got through the entire canyon we had to literally bear crawl up this sandy mountain, all the way up to where our car was parked. It was INSANE. But still worth it. I’m so grateful for cool and kind friends that allow me to experience things like this!! It’s one more testimony to me of an almighty God who created this glorious earth for His children because He loves them. I hope to do a lot more canyoneering in my lifetime.

Some of my battle wounds (my legs looked really bad too but I have no picture)

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