Thursday, October 9, 2014

The Ones I Love

Dear God,

How did you know exactly what kind of father and mother to send me to? They have raised me up and taught me in all the ways that I needed. For me, they couldn't be more perfect parents. How is it that you have given me two sisters and two brothers that are exactly the ones I needed to love me and support me and go through life with? It is so amazing to me. 

And what about my grandparents? This certainly was no accident. I wouldn't want any others to take their place. They are just what I need. Heavenly Father, how can this be?

Oh, I remember now. Not only are you God, but you are my loving Father in Heaven. You know me better than I know myself. I may not know exactly how you orchestrated all of this, but I do know why. And I am so grateful. Thank you for these priceless treasures of people that I get to call family. I love them. The hope of being with them forever makes me happier than anything on earth.

Your Spirit Daughter,

Monday, August 25, 2014

The May Reunion: 21 May - Present

             I used to joke about being in a band some day….well that day has finally come. It came one fine evening in May when I was made (by Anna) to sing for Russell and Andy (two guys she met in her apartment complex). They liked my voice and invited me to join them in making music. Thus began my involvement with “The May Reunion”.

It was quite appropriate that I join “The May Reunion” in the month of May, don’t you think? Andy and Russell, two Californians and long time friends, first gave their band that name because of a promise they made in 2007 to reunite as friends in 2017, in the month of May. Well it turns out they reunited much earlier than they had planned. They started a band and called it the May reunion.

It’s purely for fun, none of us are serious about making it big—but I know that Russell has plans to record an album and we enjoy playing where we can here and there.

What is my part in the band you’re probably wondering? Well I do sing of course, that’s how I got hired in the first place. But that’s not all! I play 4 instruments: tambourine, triangle, glockenspiel, and melodica! I’ve had fun with it. If I were in charge of a band, the sound would be a bit different, and I’d write about different stuff, but I’m all right with the music that Russell and Andy write. I told them that I want to start writing music about my ancestors. I wasn’t sure how they felt about that idea, but I think it’d be fun!! Follow the May Reunion to find out!

Celebrating with friends after we won the first round of the battle of the bands at Velour.

"Hot Air Balloon" at the second round of battle of the bands.

Casual show at Guru's Cafe. We played for an hour and got $50 of free food.

We played one song at a recording studio with a possibility of it being used on TV. Haven't heard yet if that is happening. Probably not but it was still fun.

Show at Velour. We actually got paid for this one.

My biggest fans on my left and right sides: Jared and Anna
Our T-shirts!

 Recording "Rescue Me"

Some articles about us:

Copy and paste the URL to listen to the recording of "Rescue Me":

Sunday, August 24, 2014

A New Love: April 2014 --Present

               About 4 months ago, I was called in to meet with a member of the Stake Presidency. I had a feeling that I might be getting a particular calling and I was right. A couple of weeks later I was called as an Institute teacher for the YSA 16th Stake.

Six weeks prior to receiving this calling, I had started attending the Family History class at Institute. I decided to put away all of the old excuses I made for not doing this work, and see what I could do. I enjoyed going to a class at institute where I could get to the application in class and not just talk about stuff. I didn’t find any ancestors who needed ordinances during this time, but I felt a spark in my heart that began to grow.

I was hesitant to suggest that I teach the family history class because I truly knew so little about how to actually do the work. But my desire to learn and do the work was there. I knew the best way to learn would be to teach, so I secretly hoped that I would be assigned to this class.

After the assignment came, I knew I needed help right away. I found the number of the stake family history co-chair, Rob Martin, and called him to see how I could best learn family history. He said he could meet with me to get me started. Rob continues to meet with me to answer all my questions and teach me the things I need to know. What a blessing. I am amazed by his knowledge on the subject. I have found that the best way to learn is simply by researching my own family lines. I have already found three people who needed ordinances. 

I discovered the "people" page on the family search website just after I was assigned to teach the family history class with Glade Snyder. Many members of my family have uploaded pictures, stories/memories, and journal entries from my ancestors. As I looked at these pictures and read the stories and journal entries, I felt such a powerful connection to my ancestors and a strong desire to find out more about them and to do their work. I was actually startled by the strong feelings I had towards these, my ancestors.

I often re-visit my "people" in and I have the same feelings every time I look at their pictures and read about their lives. They have become real to me and I feel their support more and more from the other side. They have become a strength to me.

We have a Facebook group for our institute class. I named it “Saved by our Ancestors” because I believe that we are the ones that are really being saved as we make sacrifices to do such a selfless work.

Doing family history work brings a power into my life that I don’t think anything else could replicate. It’s very distinct. I feel the Spirit more when I take time to do it at least weekly. I hope I can continue learning so that I can help others learn how to do the work and feel the power in their lives too.  It is real.

Saturday, August 23, 2014

The Heber Valley Creeper: 31 July 2014

I went on two train rides at the end of July and beginning of August...on a REAL train! And I think that anyone who lives in Utah should put it on their bucket list to ride the Heber Valley Creeper (we decided that creeper indicates that the train is slow, not that it's creepy ;)).

Train Ride #1--The Wizard's Train

Of course we wore our Wizard robes.
We were sorted into our houses and can you believe that I was put in Slytherin?! We were also provided with butter beer, chocolate frogs and Bertie Bott's every flavor beans. (pretty sure that we got dirt, grass, soap, and earthworm)

It truly was a gorgeous ride with the mountains, green fields, and Deer Creek as our scenery.

Train Ride #2--Provo Canyon Limited
This was a roommate trip, plus Jocelyn (Lena's sister).
The train was stopped in the middle of our ride and these bandits held us at gunpoint. Luckily we weren't robbed!

We actually ended up getting serenaded by one of the train robbers so that was pretty sweet. :) The train took us all the way to Vivian Park and back to Heber. 
It was fun, fun, fun!