Thursday, October 9, 2014

The Ones I Love

Dear God,

How did you know exactly what kind of father and mother to send me to? They have raised me up and taught me in all the ways that I needed. For me, they couldn't be more perfect parents. How is it that you have given me two sisters and two brothers that are exactly the ones I needed to love me and support me and go through life with? It is so amazing to me. 

And what about my grandparents? This certainly was no accident. I wouldn't want any others to take their place. They are just what I need. Heavenly Father, how can this be?

Oh, I remember now. Not only are you God, but you are my loving Father in Heaven. You know me better than I know myself. I may not know exactly how you orchestrated all of this, but I do know why. And I am so grateful. Thank you for these priceless treasures of people that I get to call family. I love them. The hope of being with them forever makes me happier than anything on earth.

Your Spirit Daughter,