Thursday, August 30, 2012

Yummy Crepes

The kids and I had fun making different Crepe combinations for lunch last week. My favorite is probably still strawberries and whipped cream. (Add a little ice cream and it's heaven!)

Lemon with Powdered Sugar and Whipped Cream
Sugar and Cinnamon (with a little butter)
Nutella Banana
Nutella Strawberry

I actually didn't realize how French crepes really are until I came here. It's really fun to go out to eat at the "Creperies", because they have them all over and they not only serve dessert crepes, but they also have really yummy dinner crepes.

The United Nations

After visiting the UN grounds in Geneva, I wanted to read a little more about it, and this is some of the information  I got from Wikipedia:
The United Nations is an international organization whose stated aims are facilitating cooperation in international lawinternational security,economic developmentsocial progress, human rights, and ACHIEVEMENT OF WORLD PEACE. The UN was founded in 1945 after World War II to replace the League of Nations, to stop wars between countries, and to provide a platform for dialogue.

There are 193 member states, including every internationally recognized sovereign state in the world butVatican City.

The League of Nations failed to prevent World War II (1939–1945). Because of the widespread recognition that humankind could not afford a third world war, the United Nations was established to replace the flawed League of Nations in 1945 in order to maintain international peace and promote cooperation in solving international economic, social and humanitarian problems.

Vitam Parc

Look! It's......ANOTHER water park! Wahoo!

I would have to say that I enjoyed this water park more than the last and it was about 1/3 the price. It was definitely not as big, nor did it have as many things to do, but it still suited us just fine. I think it was also nicer because we got there early so we beat a lot of the crowd. We also like the fact that it was only 30 minutes away from the house instead of 1 and 1/2 hours. :)  It was another fun-filled day with the kids!

The were SO excited about their "Slush Puppies", mostly because they came in the such a fun shaped bottle! They all wanted to get one just so that they could re-use the bottles.

A day in Annecy

I finally took the kids to Annecy last Friday. They all really enjoyed it, especially the paddle boat. It cost only  about 25$ for us to rent a paddle boat for a whole hour. Totally worth it! That was our favorite part of the whole trip! I don't recall ever having seen a paddle boat with a slide, but it's really such a great idea. Luckily the water stayed shallow enough that I could stand in it and take pictures. :) Of course it was still deep enough that we could use the slide.

Ryan was trying really hard to paddle, but he just wasn't quite tall enough.

We also spent a little time on the beach, however it was a bit rainy, so we didn't do much swimming. We played cards instead!

Ariane and Ryan are braving the cold! (It wasn't really all that cold, just overcast skies)

Sunday, August 26, 2012


I wanted to dedicate a post to my dear family, because I am missing them and because they are the most wonderful human beings in my life.

(Thanks to Heather for putting together this fun collage. :)


My Dad is such a good man. He has a soft heart. If one of us kids is having a difficult time, you can bet he will be doing all that he can to cheer us up or make things better. I'm sure he would give me the world if he could, but I don't need the world. I have a father who is a worthy priesthood holder and can give me a blessing when I am in need. What greater thing could I ask for? I love my dad because he goes to work every day to earn an income not just for himself, but to support an entire family. (I'm sure this was especially stressful in earlier years when the family was still young) When I told my Dad that I wanted to serve a mission, he knew that I didn't have the money to pay for it, but he was completely supportive. He payed for it and never once mentioned my being in his debt. I will be forever grateful because he allowed me to have that life-changing experience. My dad's sense of humor makes me laugh! I love him because he can always find the best deals on anything! My dad is not a man of many words, but I always know that he's "got my back". It's very comforting to know that. I love my dad because has taught me what is important and what is not. Together with mom, he has established many righteous traditions in our family that I will carry on to my family.  I love my dad for many reasons, but I think I love my dad most of all because I know he loves me. Thanks for loving me, Dad.


My Mom is so great. She has become a dear friend to me. I love her because she has served me for 23 years straight, and I know that service will only continue. My mom pretty much has all the mom skills you can think of. She cooks,  cleans, bakes, cans her fruits and veggies, sews, knits, does cross stitch, quilts, afghans, takes care of owies, teaches piano...and much more. Mother's do so very many things that go unnoticed. And they continue to do those things day in and day out with no recognition of any sort. That is not easy to do. I love my mom because whenever she makes her delicious bread, she always gives away more than she keeps. I love my mom's love for family history. She has spent countless hours doing this work, has had many valuable finds and made some amazing discoveries. I love my mom because she would get up early on school mornings and make us hootenanies or crepes or ebelskeevers or something else yummy. And she would read to me and the other kids every night. I love my mom because she made sure we always had family home evening and that we did all the other important things. I love her because she put up with me during my teenage years I love her because she wrote me an e-mail every week on my mission. Honestly, what is not to love about my mom?? I am so blessed! I LOVE YOU MOM!


Jill is one of those big sister role models that every girl dreams of having. Jill has become somewhat of a mentor for me over the last few years. I look to her for advice and wisdom because she always knows the right thing to say. All of her experience is now benefiting me! I love Jill because she will still do my hair and makeup when I want to look extra pretty. I love Jill because she really cares about me and she really listens.I love how she helps me plan my life. It is so comforting for me to have Jill around because when I find out that the boy I have a crush on likes a different girl, Jill is there to build me up and tell me that I'm amazing and that boy is just crazy. ;) Jill is one of those people that is good at everything. Her talents are seemingly endless. If there is something that she doesn't know how to do and she wants to do it, she just learns. She is a wonderful wife and mother of three adorable children. And she married an amazing man called Christopher Clayton. Chris, I could write pages about your good qualities.  I love you both more than I love those potato chips with the green chili dip!!!


Jason is the best older brother. I don't think we have ever really fought about anything. I love that we get along so well. I love him because he taught me how to play the guitar and sometimes we play duets together. I love Jason because he tries to do what is right. I love him because he served a full time mission. I love him because he is always so fun to be around. He can bring any party to life. I don't remember ever really seeing him get angry. I love Jason because he is usually willing to go along with the crazy stuff I want to do. And I LOVE that he married Katie Damstra because I LOVE that woman. She is so beautiful and fun and smart and down to earth. Love you, Jason and Katie.

Heather. Oh, Heather. What would I do without this woman? She is a pillar for me. I would be totally lost without Heather. I love her because I can confide in her. I can spout off on some hour long story of every little detail of my day and she just listens. I love Heather because she gets me. We get each other. I can be totally silly and weird around her and she is just silly and weird right back. I love Heather because she makes me feel good about myself. I love how she really values my opinions. I love Heather because she loves Pride and Prejudice just as much as I do. I love her even though she changed our plans and got married while I was on my mission because she found a wonderful man. Evan is WAY MORE than just great, and it's a darn good thing she snatched him up! ;) Heather and Evan I love you sosososososososososososo ^100 much!!!!!!

Hunter is a total nut. But that is probably the reason I love him so much. He is growing up fast now but I love that he sill wants to be my friend and talk to me on Skype. I love it when he plays the piano and especially now that he is learning songs from Pride and Prejudice...whaa!?? I know. It's awesome. I love Hunter because he always want me to play with him or have sleepovers in his room. I love him because he lets me read to him and he likes it too! I love Hunter because he is a softie. I love him because he is a little bit crazy and weird and can be really hilarious. I love Hunter because he misses me when I am gone and he said I am his favorite sister. (Sshhh...don't tell the other sisters) Hunter, I love you buddy.

How could I possibly tell these people how much I love them? It seems impossible to me to explain just how much they mean to me. Yet, I want them to know so badly how important they are and how wonderful they truly are. I hope they can realize the impact they have made on my life. It's incredible! I'm so grateful to be able to love them and be loved by them! Our time together is invaluable.