Saturday, June 30, 2012

Adventures in France

This is day three for me in France.
I am LOVING it so far!

The family has been so sweet and very generous to me.
The kids are great! I mean, kids will be kids...but they really do behave very well. They enjoy teaching me how to speak French. :) On Friday we played a few games at the house (built a puzzle, played with play dough etc..) and then we went to a lake over in Switzerland. We cross the border almost everyday to go different places.

They bought an extra car so that I would have something to drive if I ever need it. It is one of those economical cars that uses very little gas and other different energy sources. The area they live in is not very busy, so it doesn't scare me too much to drive. The main thing that I worry about is the narrow roads and just getting lost. I'm terrible with directions but luckily Arriane (the eldest daughter, 14) knows how to get most everywhere so she can direct me.

Last night (Friday) we went to the neighbors house for a barbecue. I wasn't sure if any of the people there would speak English. Most of them didn't, but there were a few who talked to me for quite a while. The kissing cheeks greeting is a little awkward with complete strangers. Haha! I experienced that at the party. Oh well. I'll get used to it I suppose.

They are really big on wine here. They drink it every night with dinner. They also drink iced tea a lot. Vinciane asked me on my first night here, what would I like to drink in the morning, coffee or tea? When I said neither, she thought that was pretty strange.
I told them about fasting as well, to explain why I would not be eating dinner with them tonight and now they think I am REALLY strange. Haha...

I am NOT a pet person, but I really don't mind their dog, Griffin. The only thing I do mind, is dog hair, and smelling like dog. But I've been able to avoid those things fairly well so far. :)

Well anyway, It's been a wonderful time so far, I jogged down to a beautiful little pond this morning to get some exercise and it was so fun to just walk around the pond and watch everyone fishing. EVERYONE was fishing. I think I will be going to the pond often because it is really close to the house. I've included in my post some pictures of the street they live on. I haven't been able to get a good picture of the house yet.

The two children in the pictures are Aline(11) and Ryan(7) I will post a picture of the eldest daughter and maybe even the parents if I get a chance to take one.

Au revoir!!